- ATREE(Content Type) (21)
- A ATREE Publications (21)
- N Media Clippings (21)
- A ATREE Publications (21)
Bawa, Kamaljit S (2016) Decline of pollinators threatens food supply. The Hindu.
Bawa, Kamaljit S (2010) Our biodiversity, our life, our future. The Hindu.
Goswami, Rajkamal (2014) Cleanliness Beyond Cities, Celebrities And Tokenisms. The Shillong Times.
Gudasalamani, Ravikanth and NA, Aravind (2017) Need for national policy to recover endangered species. The Dialogue.
Hiremath, Ankila J. and Krishnan, Siddhartha (2016) India Knows Its Invasive Species Problem But This Is Why Nobody Can Deal With it Properly. The Wire. pp. 1-8.
Kodiveri, Arpitha (2017) Conficting Laws Are Criminalising Forest Communities for Exercising Their Rights. The Wire.
Krishnan, Siddhartha and Lama, Rinzi (2017) It’s Time to Make Conservation Labour Visible Again. The Wire.
Kutty, Roshni and Lele, Sharachchandra (2019) Forgotten histories or deliberate ignorance? Deccan Herald.
Lele, Sharachchandra (2017) ET By Invite Investing Crores but Passing the Buck. Economic Times.
Lele, Sharachchandra (2020) Environment and Well-being: A perspective from the Global South. New Left review, 123. pp. 41-63.
Lele, Sharachchandra and Kuttuva, Pradeep and Heble, Nakul (2016) BWSSB’s wrong approach. Deccan Herald.
Lele, Sharachchandra and Srinivasan, Veena (2017) Death knell for citizen-led lake governance. Deccan Herald.
Lenin, Janaki and Uniyal, Meghna and Vanak, Abi Tamim (2016) Do Dogs Threaten People's Right to Safety in Public Spaces? The Wire. pp. 1-9.
Muralidharan, Rahul (2017) What the 45-Day Annual Fishing Ban in Tamil Nadu Means for Fisheries Conservation. The Wire.
RP, Harisha and Murali, Namratha (2014) Reintroduce rural wild vegetables to urban food basket: Bringing back healthy diets in the form of local, seasonal, inclusive, and biodiverse produce also ensures the food security of the region. Deccan Herald.
Ramesh, Madhuri and Muralidharan, Rahul (2016) Turning turtle. The Hindu.
Srinivasan, Veena and Lele, Sharachchandra (2016) Why we must have water budgets. The Hindu.
Vanak, Abi Tamim and Belsare, Aniruddha and Uniyal, Meghna (2016) The street is no place for dogs. The Hindu.
Lele, Sharachchandra (2019) A Forest of Misconceptions. Working Paper. Living Media India Limited.
Mishra, Harshit (2023) Centre’s Vision for Tourism in Ladakh and How Environment and Development are Represented in it. Masters thesis, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, TDU.
Lele, Sharachchandra (2022) 50. How do we get to a more sustainable society? [Audio]