- ATREE(Content Type) (38)
- A ATREE Publications (38)
- H Book Chapters (38)
- A ATREE Publications (38)
., Chaluvaraju and BS, Deepali Singh and M, Nageswara Rao and Gudasalamani, Ravikanth and KN, Ganeshaiah and R, Uma Shaanker (2001) Conservation of bamboo genetic resources in Western Ghats: Status, threats and strategies. In: Forest Genetic Resources: Status, Threats and Conservation Strategies. Science Publishers, Enfield, NH, USA., pp. 97-113.
Bawa, Kamaljit S and J, Rose and KN, Ganeshaiah and MC, Kiran and Barve, Narayani and R, Uma Shaanker (2001) Mapping biodiversity from the sky. In: Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. Oxford-IBH, New Delhi, pp. 523-525.
Ewel, John J and Hiremath, Ankila J. (2005) Plant–plant interactions in tropical forests. In: Biotic Interactions in the Tropics: Their Role in the Maintenance of Species Diversity. Cambridge University Press., pp. 3-34.
Hiremath, Ankila J. and JJ, Ewel (2001) Diversity and ecosystem functioning in managed tropical communities. In: Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. Oxford-IBH, New Delhi, pp. 465-468.
Jamwal, Priyanka and Lele, Sharachchandra (2017) Addressing pollution in urban rivers: Lessons from the Vrishabhavathy river in Bengaluru. In: Transcending boundaries: Reflecting on twenty years of action and research at ATREE. Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE), Bangalore, pp. 105-113.
KN, Ganeshaiah and R, Uma Shaanker and Barve, Narayani and MC, Kiran and Bawa, Kamaljit S (2001) A regional approach for the conservation of the biological diversity of the Western Ghats. In: Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. Oxford-IBH, New Delhi, pp. 552-556.
Lele, Sharachchandra (2004) Beyond State-Community Polarisations and Bogus "Joint"Ness: Crafting Institutional Solutions for Resource Management. In: Globalisation, Poverty and Conflict. Kluwer Academic Publishers., Netherlands, pp. 283-303. ISBN 978-1-4020-2857-1
Lele, Sharachchandra (2012) Economics Incentives for Forest Management: Products in Hand or Services in the Bush? In: Deeper Roots of Historical Injustice: Trends and Challenges in the Forests of India. Rights and Resources Initiative, Washington, DC, pp. 101-124. ISBN 978-0-9833674-5-1
Lele, Sharachchandra (2013) Environmentalisms, justices and the limits of Ecosystem Services Frameworks. In: The Justices and Injustices of Ecosystems Services. Routledge, London, pp. 119-139. ISBN 978-0-415-82539-9 (hbk)
Lele, Sharachchandra (2008) Interdisciplinarity as a three-way conversation: Barriers and possibilities. In: The Contested Commons: Conversations between Economists and Anthropologists. Blackwell, London, pp. 187-207.
Lele, Sharachchandra (2014) What is Wrong with Joint Forest Management? In: Democratizing Forest Governance in India. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198099123
Lele, Sharachchandra (2017) Why do we care? Unpacking the ‘environmental’ in our environmental science. In: Transcending boundaries: Reflecting on twenty years of action and research at ATREE. Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, Bangalore, pp. 172-177.
Lele, Sharachchandra and Brondizio, Eduardo S. and Byrne, John and Mace, Georgina M. and Martinez-Alier, Joan (2018) Framing the Environment. In: Rethinking Environmentalism: Linking Justice, Sustainability, and Diversity. Strüngmann Forum Reports, 23 . MIT Press., Cambridge, MA, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9780262038966
Lele, Sharachchandra and Menon, Ajit (2014) Introduction: Forest Governance beyond Joint Forest Management, Godavarman, and Tigers. In: Democratizing Forest Governance in India. Oxford University Press, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9780198099123
Lele, Sharachchandra and Pattanaik, Manoj and Rai, Nitin D (2010) NTFPs in India: Rhetoric and Reality. In: Wild Product Governance. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781849775199
Lele, Sharachchandra and Purushothaman, Seema and Kashyap, Sham (2013) Village Commons, Livelihoods and Governance: An Assessment of Karnataka’s Experience. In: Livelihood Strategies in Southern India: Conservation and Poverty Reduction in Forest Fringes,. Springer India, India, pp. 135-156.
Lele, Sharachchandra and Srinivasan, Veena and Bawa, Kamaljit S (2001) Returns to investment in conservation: Disaggregated benefit-cost analysis of the creation of a wildlife sanctuary. In: Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. Oxford-IBH, New Delhi, pp. 31-33.
M, Nageswara Rao and M, Anuradha and KN, Ganeshaiah and R, Uma Shaanker (2001) Protected areas as refugias for genetic resource: Are sandal genetic resources safe in our sanctuaries? In: Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. Oxford-IBH, New Delhi, pp. 121-124.
M, Nobin Raja and TP, Sajitha and Khan, Mohammed Latif and Gudasalamani, Ravikanth (2023) Role and diversity of microbes in agriculture. In: Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment. Elsevier, pp. 531-555.
M, Soubadra Devy and C, Livingston (2001) Interactions between social bees and their foodplants in a rainforest canopy of Western Ghats, India. In: Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare. Proceedings 01 the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. Oxford-IBH, New Delhi, pp. 420-422.
M, Soubadra Devy and T, Ganesh and Lowman, Margaret D. (2013) “Canopy-Less” Monitoring of Biodiversity and Climate Change: Signs of a Leaky Roof. In: Treetops at Risk: Challenges of Global Canopy 169 Ecology and Conservation. Springer Science+Business Media, New York, pp. 169-174.
NA, Aravind and Rao, Dinesh and G, Vanraj and J, Poulsen and R, Uma Shaanker and KN, Ganeshaiah (2001) Anthropogenic pressures in a tropical forest ecosystem in Western Ghats, India: Are they sustainable? In: Tropics! Ecosystems: Sfructure, DiV8fSiry and Human Welfare. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. Oxford-IBH, New Delhi, pp. 125-128.
Nagendra, Harini (2009) Reforestation and Regrowth in the Human Dominated Landscapes of South Asia. In: Reforesting Landscapes. Landscape Series, 10 . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 149-174.
Nagendra, Harini and Southworth, Jane (2009) Reforestation: Conclusions and Implications. In: Reforesting Landscapes. Landscape Series, 10 . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 357-367.
R, Siddappa Setty and Bawa, Kamaljit S and J, Bommaiah (2001) Participatory resource monitoring for non-timber forest products in Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple wildlife sanctuary, Karnataka, India. In: Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. Oxford-IBH, New Delhi, pp. 85-88.
R, Uma Shaanker and Gladwin, Joseph and NA, Aravind and Kannan, Ramesh and KN, Ganeshaiah (2009) Invasive Plants in Tropical Human-Dominated Landscapes: Need for an Inclusive Management Strategy. In: Bioinvasions and Globalization: Ecology, Economics, Management, and Policy. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 202-219. ISBN 978–0–19–956015–8
R, Uma Shaanker and KN, Ganeshaiah and M, Nageswara Rao and Gudasalamani, Ravikanth (2001) A new approach to conservation of genetic resources of forest trees: Promise and processes. In: Forest Genetic Resources: Status, Threats and Conservation Strategies. Science Publishers, Enfield, NH, USA., pp. 263-271.
R, Uma Shaanker and NA, Aravind and KN, Ganeshaiah (2004) Forest Management for Conservation. In: Encyclopedia of Forest Science. Elsevier Science, London, pp. 215-223.
RP, Harisha and R, Siddappa Setty and Gudasalamani, Ravikanth (2023) Wild Food Plants: History, Use, and Impacts of Globalization. In: Wild Food Plants: History, Use, and Impacts of Globalization. Springer, Singapore, pp. 75-92.
Rengaian, Ganesan and T, Ganesh and M, Soubadra Devy and P, Devidar (2001) Regeneration dynamics of a wet evergreen forest, southern Western Ghats, India. In: Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversffy and Human Welfare. Proceedings of the intemationai Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. Oxford_IBH, New Delhi, pp. 231-234.
Sen, Sandeep and Gudasalamani, Ravikanth (2022) Genetic Consequences of Fragmentation in Tropical Forests: Novel Approaches to Assess and Monitor Critically Endangered Species. In: Molecular Genetics and Genomics Tools in Biodiversity Conservation. Springer Nature Singapore, Singapore, pp. 79-95. ISBN 978-981-16-6005-4
Sills, Erin O. and Holmes, Thomas P. and Pattanayak, Subhrendu K. (2003) Nontimber Forest Products in the Rural Household Economy. In: Forests in a Market Economy. Kluwer Academic, The Netherlands, pp. 259-281. ISBN 978-1-4020-1028-6
Sills, Erin O. and Lele, Sharachchandra and Holmes, Thomas P. and Pattanayak, Subhrendu K. (2003) Nontimber Forest Products in the Rural Household Economy. In: Forests in a Market Economy. Forestry Sciences. Kluwer Academic Publishers., Printed in The Netherlands., pp. 259-281.
Southworth, Jane and Nagendra, Harini (2009) Reforestation: Challenges and Themes in Reforestation Research. In: Reforesting Landscapes. Landscape Series. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 1-14.
Srinivasan, Veena and Lele, Sharachchandra and Thomas, Bejoy K and Jamwal, Priyanka (2017) Whose river? The changing waterscape of the upper Arkavathy under urbanisation. In: Transcending boundaries: Reflecting on twenty years of action and research at ATREE. Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, Bangalore, pp. 122-130.
Swamy, Savitha and M, Soubadra Devy (2014) Reshaping Neighborhood Parks for Biodiversity and People: A Case of Unsung Socio-Ecological Systems in Bangalore, India. In: Social–Ecological Systems in Transition, Global Environmental Studies,. Springer, Japan, pp. 89-103.
T, Ganesh and M, Soubadra Devy and P, Devidar (2001) Pollination and fruit dispersal in the wet forests of the southern Western Ghats. In: Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. Oxford-IBH,, New Delhi, pp. 363-365.
Wutich, Amber and Cardenas, Juan-Camilo and Lele, Sharachchandra and Pahl-Wostl, Claudia and Rauschmayer, Felix and Schleyer, Christian and Suhardiman, Diana and Tallis, Heather and Zwarteveen, Margreet (2018) Integrating Sustainability, Justice, and Diversity? Opportunities and Challenges for Inclusively Framing Water Research. In: Rethinking Environmentalism: Linking Justice, Sustainability, and Diversity. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 23, series . MIT Press, Cambridge, MA:, pp. 251-288. ISBN 9780262038966